Welcome to the Diocese of Colorado Springs Year of Hope website!  Pope Francis has called for this Jubilee Year (December 24, 2024-January 6, 2026) to "be a moment of genuine, personal encounter with the Lord Jesus.” (Spes Non Confundit, 1). This website serves as a continual resource for parishes and the faithful of the diocese to richly participate in the Jubilee Year in various ways. 

What is the Jubilee Year of Hope?



These books were selected to help the faithful grow in prayer, discernment, and hope during this Jubilee Year!

Daily Living

Discernment of Spirits - How to hear the voice of God in your life.

In the School of the Holy Spirit - Recognizing and valuing the presence of the Holy Spirit in your life.

Searching for and Maintaining Peace - Overcoming anxiety and fear through confidence in God.

Personal / At Home Retreats

I Believe in Love - Meditations on Theresian spirituality that reveals God's personal love for you. Perfect as a personal retreat when you have only a few moments to spare each day and for spiritual reading anytime and anywhere.

The Light of His Eyes - Encountering God in our wounds and finding love and healing.

The Way of Trust and Love - Trust is fundamental for hope. Learn to trust from St. Therese!


Personal Prayer: A Guide for Receiving the Father's Love - Learning to grow in prayer and vulnerability with the Lord.

Thirsting for Prayer - A school of prayer.

Time for God - Foundational principles for a healthy prayer life and overcoming obstacles to prayer.


During this Jubilee Year, Catholics are encouraged to dive deeper into their faith through prayer and study.

Ascension Press Resources

FORMED Resources (Many parishes provide a FORMED subscription)


During this Jubilee Year, we have the opportunity to receive a plenary indulgence every day! Learn more about the indulgence and how to obtain it.


Bishop Golka has designated six churches in our diocese as sacred pilgrimage sites for this Jubilee Year.

  • A pilgrimage is a journey to a holy place, meant to reflect our spiritual journey to heaven and to deepen our relationship with God.
  • Making a pilgrimage to one of these sites also provides the opportunity to receive a plenary Jubilee indulgence!

Resources and Ideas for Parishes during this Jubilee Year - centered around some of the themes in Bishop Golka's Pastoral Letter (hope, evangelization, and marriage and family)

Catechesis & Evangelization

  1. Read (re-read) Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium (Joy of the Gospel) with parish staff and other lay leaders 

  2. The same for Bishop Barron's Renewing Our Hope: Essays for the New Evangelization. You can pick and choose any of the 17 chapters, as the articles are independently written 

  3. Formally participate in the third year of the Eucharistic Revival by embracing the “Walk with One” initiative at your parish. There are great resources on their website to help you 

  4. Go out of your way to facilitate encounters with Christ for your staff and parishioners. Here are some helpful articles: 

  5. Host a local pilgrimage! Most people can't afford to go to Rome in 2025. But we have plenty of pilgrimage sites here in Colorado and neighboring states.


Hispanic Ministry / Ministerio Hispano


Marriage & Family Life

  1. CatholicHOM - Becoming a More Loving, Connected & Caring Catholic Household
  2. Family Life and Parenting -  Family life – though not without its challenges – is a great gift! It is in the family that all of us learn what it means to love and be loved, to forgive, and how to maintain relationships over time.
  3.  Marriage is a vocation to holinessWhether you are just starting out in marriage or have been together for fifty years, the advice, real life stories, and Church teaching here can help strengthen and bless your marriage.
  4.  Mental Health and Counseling Services - Sometimes we need to find personal healing to have a healthy and holy marriage. Whether you could use one-on-one or marriage counseling, there are local Catholic counselors who can help.
  5. Restore - Online Catholic Support for your Marriage
  6. Spiritual Direction -  Spiritual direction can be a valuable tool to grow closer to the Lord and to hear his voice, both personally and in your marriage
  7.  Witness To Love Marriage Enrichment  -Be Light, a marriage enrichment movement, draws married Catholic couples closer together in Christ while being transformed into family missionary disciples within their own communities
  8. World Ablaze Inc. - We seek to make disciples of Jesus Christ through our dedication to evangelization, faith formation, and facilitation of encounters with Christ and His Church, thus transforming the lives and communities in which we serve.


Young Adult Ministry

  1. Listen, Teach, Send - The United States Bishops' guide for families and pastoral ministers in the accompaniment and evangelization of youth and young adults in their journey to and with Jesus Christ
  2. Rejoicing in Hope - Message of Pope Francis for 2023 World Youth Day
  3. Those Who Hope in the Lord Will Run and Not Be Weary - Message of Pope Francis for 2024 World Youth Day

During this Jubilee Year, Catholics are encouraged to dive deeper into their faith. Podcasts are a great way to do this on your commute or while doing household tasks!

Bible in a Year

Catechism in a Year

Rosary in a Year

Summit with Fr. Kyle Ingels


Trust and humility are essential to the virtue of hope! These prayers are a powerful way to ask God for more humility and the grace to trust in him.

Litany of Humility

Litany of Trust


View the timeline of events for the Jubilee Year in the Universal Church!

USCCB Jubilee Calendar of Events


Starting March 2025, learn what Vatican II really was about – and how it’s still relevant for us in 2025! The Diocese of Colorado Springs will be offering a monthly diocesan-wide parish video series with Prof. Lucas Pollice. This series will provide an overview of the vision, documents, and meaning of Vatican II, along with a study guide to facilitate discussion

Vatican II Parish Study