The work of the Catholic Diocese of Colorado Springs is carried out by a number of offices dedicated to particular aspects of the mission of the Catholic Church, the very same mission given to the apostles by Jesus Christ.
The Bishop's Office is responsible for the day-to-day administration of the Diocese of Colorado Springs.
Catholic Charities of Central Colorado, Inc. is the social service arm of the Diocese of Colorado Springs.
Catholic Charities provides social services throughout a 10-county area with most of the services targeted to people living in Colorado Springs, Castle Rock, El Paso County and Douglas County. The agency provides services to people of all races, backgrounds, and beliefs.
The Colorado Catholic Herald is the official newspaper of the Diocese of Colorado Springs. The Herald is responsible for:
The Office of Communications disseminates information on behalf of Bishop James Golka and the Diocese of Colorado Springs through various print and digital media, including:
The Diocesan Tribunal of Colorado Springs is an extension of the Bishop’s judicial ministry to all the people of the Diocese of Colorado Springs who are entrusted to his care. The Tribunal is staffed and assisted by priests, deacons, and lay persons trained in Canon Law, and it helps assure that the provisions of Canon Law are implemented correctly and equitably, protecting the rights of all as well as determining the status of persons in the Church. Although the majority of the Tribunal’s work concerns petitions for declarations of marriage nullity, it deals with other legal matters that come before the Bishop as well. The officials, staff, and volunteers of the Diocesan Tribunal serve as ministers of justice in truth, love, mercy, and charity, always keeping before our eyes the goal of our Church—the salvation of souls. Furthermore, all Tribunal procedures are carried out in accordance with the Code of Canon Law of 1983 and other relevant instructions from the Holy See, such as Mitis Iudex Dominus Iesus and Dignitats Connubii.
The Employee Benefits' Office is responsible for the day-to-day administration of employee benefits and benefits in kind including various types of non-wage compensation provided to employees in addition to their normal wages or salaries.
The Facilities Office is responsible for the management of buildings, pieces of equipment, and services that are provided for the Diocese of Colorado Springs.
The Finance Office provides finance and accounting services as well as management for Priest pensions and Lay Employee pensions for the Diocese of Colorado Springs.
It is the mission of the Human Resources Management Office to provide development, oversight, support, training, and direct service in human resource management for the diocesan offices, parishes, and schools, in keeping with principles expressed in the Second Vatican Council, writings of the American Bishops, and Canon / Civil Law regarding justice, personal dignity, and ethical behavior in employment.
The Information Technology/Web/Social Media department provides IT management and planning services including:
The Diocese of Colorado Springs recognizes the value of lifelong formation toward building the Christian community, proclaiming the Christian message, gathering in worship and reaching out in service.
Through the Office of Catholic Schools it will integrate the many forms of parish and school catechetical and educational ministries into one united vision, providing support for parishes and schools for adults, youth and children that they may grow in faith and live more authentically each day.
The Office of Missionary Discipleship and New Evangelization assists clergy, parishes, and the laity in living out the Church's mission of the New Evangelization through missionary discipleship. Its offices support the formation of life-long, intentional discipleship that is mission oriented in order to bring the joy and hope of Jesus Christ to all aspects of our modern culture. “This is no time to be ashamed of the Gospel. It is the time to preach it from the rooftops. Do not be afraid to break out of comfortable and routine modes of living, in order to take up the challenge of making Christ known in the modern ‘metropolis.’" (St. John Paul II, World Youth Day, 1993) Offices include
The Office of Stewardship and Development serves the Diocese of Colorado Springs by promoting conversion to stewardship as a way of life and by raising funds to support the works of the Church in Central Colorado.
The Office of the Chancellor maintains diocesan records and administers requests for dispensations and permissions necessary in the preparation for marriage.
The Permanent Diaconate was restored as an active and stable ministry in the Church by the Second Vatican Council. The deacon, by virtue of the sacrament of Holy Orders, is constituted as a sacred minister of the Church, working under the direction of the Diocesan Bishop and cooperatively with the Presbyterate of the Diocese.
The Vocations Office actively recruits, accompanies and supports men discerning the call to the priesthood and women discerning the call to consecrated life. By providing a discernment process, men and women explore the beauty of these vocations and prepare themselves for the next step in responding to God’s invitation. The Vocations Office collaborates with various entities to increase vocational awareness in parishes and college campuses across the Diocese.
The Office of Worship's mission is to coordinate liturgies with the Bishop and provide liturgical resources to parishes of the Diocese.
La oficina diocesana del Ministerio Hispano se encarga de promover y coordinar diferentes iniciativas para apoyar, alentar y permitir que la comunidad hispana llegada a USA tenga un encuentro con Jesucristo vivo y resucitado, integrando sus prácticas de fe al marco de la iglesia católica en USA.