Prior to the Imprimatur Process beginning, the work being considered for an imprimatur must be professionally edited. Once this is completed, proof of the work being professionally edited should be submitted, along with the publication itself, to the Office of the Chancellor.
There are two stages to the Imprimatur Process. The first involves assignment of a censor librorum by the Chancellor to review the publication. The censor will examine the work to ensure that it does not contradict the Church’s teaching on faith and morals. If any issues are uncovered, the censor will discuss them with the author and attempt to resolve them.
If the censor is able to state that nothing prevents the publication of the book, then he or she informs the ordinary that nihil obstat (nothing stands in the way) of publication. The second stage of the process involves the ordinary receiving the censor’s review and deciding whether or not to declare imprimatur, that is, “let it be printed.”