Starting March 2025, learn what Vatican II really was about – and how it’s still relevant for us in 2025! The Diocese of Colorado Springs will be offering a monthly diocesan-wide parish video series with Prof. Lucas Pollice. This series will provide an overview of the vision, documents, and meaning of Vatican II.
March 5: What is the Real Vatican II?
April 2: The Missionary Renewal of Vatican II
May 21: The Documents and Themes of the Council
June 11: Lumen Gentium: The Church Renewed for Mission
August 20: Dei Verbum: The Word of God in the Life of the Church
September 17: Sacrosanctum Concilium: The Source and Summit of the Christian Life
October 29: Gaudium et Spes: Joy and Hope for the Modern World
November 19: The Implementation of the Council in the Life of the Church
December 17: The New Evangelization: The Extraordinary Mission of Our Time
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