The Office of Marriage and Family Life is committed to educating, encouraging, and engaging the faithful in the vocation of marriage and family life and the Domestic Church. Our office works to create a culture of encounter founded in prayer and relationship with Christ; formation that encourages healthy marriages and families; accompaniment that responds to the realities of married couples, families, and those discerning marriage; and advancement of the truths of the human person, marriage, and family in the public square.
God’s plan for marriage and family life corresponds to the deepest desires of men and women for lasting happiness and true joy. As sons and daughters of God, we are made for love, for God is love. The family, whose mission is “to guard, reveal and communicate love,” is the common place where God’s love is first experienced, and the joy of love is made present.
Here is a link to all the parishes in the diocese of Colorado Springs and their contact information.