2023 Diocesan Directory to be published in September
COLORADO SPRINGS. The annual Diocese of Colorado Springs directory, published by The Colorado Catholic Herald, will be available in September 2023.
The directory is a comprehensive listing of parishes, clergy, diocesan staff, ministries and other organizations.
“In recent years, the directory has been published earlier in the calendar year,” said Veronica Ambuul, director of communications and editor of the Herald.
“However, based on feedback we received, the directory is more useful to readers if it comes out after any new clergy assignments are announced, which usually happens in early May. It also allows us to include information on any new priests or deacons who are ordained in spring.”
A limited number of print copies of the directory are distributed free of charge to parishes and parishioners who request them. A flipbook version of the directory is also available online by visiting www.diocs.org/Herald and clicking on “Annual Diocesan Directory” in the menu.
For information on advertising in the directory, contact Herald advertising manager Becki Davis at 719-866-6519 or rdavis@coloradocatholicherald.com.