40 Days for Life — Saints Among Us
By Michele Mason
If we look closely, we will find that there are saints among us.
Evelyn called me one day, many years ago, wanting to get involved with 40 Days for Life. Even in her 90s, she was impressive. She went out to the sidewalk to pray when someone could bring her. She wrote letters to the editor and articles for local newspapers. She planted a garden every summer. She got together with her family quite often. She was known all over the city; it seemed all I had to do was mention Evelyn’s name to someone and they knew who she was. There were many things I didn’t know about Evelyn, but I did know every time I talked with her on the phone, I felt like I was talking with a living saint. If her body would have cooperated with what her mind was capable of, there would have been no stopping this little firecracker of a woman. In fact, almost up until the time of her death at age 102, her mind was still sharp. She spent much time in prayer, and I always saw in her the trust of a child.
There are saints among us! Evelyn was just one example. With this thought, I would like to dedicate the upcoming fall 2023 40 Days for Life effort to two very saintly people who have passed away. (Although we keep praying and offering Masses for their souls as we do with all our faithfully departed.)
We offer this 40 Days effort in memory of Evelyn French, who spent so many years dedicated to pro-life work, and to the late Bishop Michael Sheridan, who was constantly preaching, teaching, and living pro-life values — a great model of faithfulness to God. Let us give an extra effort during these 40 Days in thanksgiving for the lives of Bishop Sheridan and Evelyn French.
Have we made any progress fighting the scourge of abortion in Colorado Springs in 2023? There are lives beings saved and moms and dads being helped, thanks be to God! (And thanks to those who pray and advocate at the sidewalk year-round!) However, abortions in Colorado increased by 22% in 2022 after the overturn of Roe v. Wade, mainly because of the influx of women from other states. According to Fawn Bolak of Planned Parenthood, 37% of the abortions performed in Colorado are now done on women from out of state. We still have much work to do.
Yes, it does look bleak, but we will not give up. We have hope. Our God is a God of miracles! It is always darkest before the dawn and God can work amazing miracles in dark times. He just needs faithful Christians striving to be saints, just as Bishop Sheridan and Evelyn were. God needs us to be the light at the sidewalk to lead these moms and dads to Christ.
In response to the increase in abortions in Colorado, the fall 40 Days for Life effort (Sept.27-Nov.7) will once again be 24/7, sidewalk prayer coverage all day, all night. However, for this fall effort we are especially focused on having 100% prayer coverage during the hours that the Planned Parenthood facility on Centennial Boulevard is open (8 a.m.-6 p.m. on most days). I believe we can do this.
Please join us in prayer and fasting, the vigil outside of Planned Parenthood, outreach, and also eucharistic adoration (united to those who can only pray from home — our Barnabas Buddies).
Please participate in all aspects of 40 Days for Life (prayer, fasting, vigil, and adoration) each week to the best of your ability. We are in a spiritual battle that I think our world has never seen before. We need all the spiritual weapons at hand to fight this battle.
Remember, our goal is 100% coverage during the days and hours Planned Parenthood is open. Please be a part of our team. Sign up to pray at the sidewalk: www.40daysforlife.com/coloradosprings.
Barnabas Buddies can sign up at https://slotted.co/r3dwr61c. Contact Michele Mason at 719-659-2097 or prolifefamilyof15@gmail.com for more details.
Our kickoff will be a potluck dinner on Sept. 21 from 6-8 p.m. in the parish hall at Holy Apostles Church, 4925 N. Carefree Cir. Join us for fellowship and food! Please bring a dish to share. The guest speaker will talk about how to address the pushback and persecution that pro-life advocates are encountering in some cities.