Summer has been full of Pro-Life Activities
By Julie Bailey
COLORADO SPRINGS. Exciting pro-life things are happening in our diocese — none of them related to the Supreme Court of the United States.
On June 4, the Catholics 4 Life Network team supported long-time partners and friends from Life Network at Memorial Park and around the diocese in the annual Walk for Life. As a team, Catholics 4 Life Network raised over $90,000 for Life Network. That made us the top fundraising team — an accolade we have earned for more than a few years.
In addition to operating the three life-affirming Colorado Springs Pregnancy Centers in our community, Life Network presents their Education for a Lifetime programming in high schools and middle schools throughout our region, equipping young people in sexual risk avoidance and suicide awareness and prevention.
They also provide mentoring for first-time moms and dads, mental health counseling, and a plethora of material goods for new families including diapers, formula, clothing, and more. The diocesan Respect Life Apostolate is honored and privileged to partner with such an amazing organization.
The excitement continued the following weekend as St. Peter Parish in Monument hosted the Pie and Ice Cream Social on June 11 to benefit the Mater Filius maternity home project. Knights of Columbus, Ladies Guild, Youth Ministry and many other volunteers made it possible to serve hundreds of slices of donated and delicious pie and hundreds of scoops of creamy, dreamy ice cream.
The Mater Filius home, opening on the campus of St. Gabriel in 2023, will serve vulnerable pregnant women and their children.
The evening was a special one for many reasons. Members of our Catholic parishes throughout the diocese participated, as well as many community members from Monument and beyond.
Classic cars from the Tri-Lakes Cruisers joined the fun by lining the street with their sporty hot rods and the night air was filled with golden oldies as kids and adults alike enjoyed the sweet treats and lovely summer evening.
By the end of the night, $14,000 had been collected. In addition to all the wonderful support, a most generous St. Peter parishioner pledged to match donations to Mater Filius up to $50,000!
Mater Filius will serve both mother and child by providing housing, transportation, education, basic life skills training, access to healthcare, child enrichment, job assistance and more. To learn more about Mater Filius, go to To support this wonderful project, you can donate on the website or send your donation directly to: Mater Filius Colorado Springs, P.O. Box 62546, Colorado Springs, 80962.
Amidst the tumult of our current cultural moment, including all the threats of violence to our churches and pro-life organizations, it’s good to see the faithful standing up for life.
So often, pro-life Catholics are accused of caring only about unborn lives. Please remember these programs aimed at accompanying moms who choose life, and please share with those you meet that our Catholic Church is truly about Walking with Moms in Need.
(Julie Bailey is Director of the Respect Life Apostolate of the Diocese of Colorado Springs.)