Discernment retreat set for June 1 at Newman Center
By Michael Lehnertz
COLORADO SPRINGS. The Diocese of Colorado Springs will host the second annual Discernment Retreat for single men and boys between the ages of 16-40 on June 1 at the St. John Henry Newman Center, located at 4785 Stanton Rd., Colorado Springs.
The format and schedule is similar to last year’s retreat. Registration begins at 1:30 p.m. and the retreat will begin at 2 p.m., with opening remarks by Father Kyle Ingels, Vocations Director for the Diocese of Colorado Springs.
“It would be a good follow-up to the ordination taking place at St. Mary’s Cathedral that morning,” Father Ingels said. “Should any of the discerners attend the Mass, they will have witnessed the ordination of one seminarian to the transitional diaconate. In 2025, this same seminarian will be ordained to the priesthood. It’s a holy and sacred event preceding the retreat.”
“Last year my goal was to have at least 20 attendees and we were blessed with 33,” said Michael Lehnertz, Director of Vocations for Our Lady of the Pines Parish and of one of the retreat organizers. “I hope we can grow our numbers again this year, as it is such a great spiritual opportunity for men to take an afternoon to pray, reflect and listen to those who have already walked the path of discernment.”
The retreat will consist of three presentations: one from a priest, one from a seminarian and one from a parent of a seminarian.
Adoration, the rosary and confessions will start at 4 p.m. At 5 p.m. there will be a barbecue with hamburgers and bratwurst at the Newman Center for all of the discerners and their parents.
Those who plan to attend should RSVP to Lehnertz by May 25 at mlehnertz@icloud.com.
For any questions regarding the discernment or seminary application process, contact Father Ingels at 719-434-3019.
(Michael Lehnertz is a parishioner of Our Lady of the Pines Parish. His son is a priest in the diocese of Orlando, Florida.)