EL BÁCULO DEL OBISPO: La ‘inversión’ en educación católica

By Bishop James R. Golka

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"Y quien reciba a un niño como éste en mi nombre, a mí me recibe” (Mateo 18, 6)

Al contemplar los rostros sonrientes de todos los graduados de las escuelas católicas que aparecen en este número, espero que se unan a mí en una oración de acción de gracias por los padres de esos graduados.  Esos padres prefirieron el sacrificio a la comodidad; prefirieron el futuro de sus hijos a su propio presente.

THE BISHOP'S CROZIER: The Catholic Education ‘Investment’

By Bishop James R. Golka

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"And whoever receives one child such as this in my name receives me.” — (Matt 18:6)

As you look at the faces of all the smiling Catholic school graduates pictured in this issue, I hope you will join me in a prayer of thanksgiving for the parents of those graduates.  Those parents chose sacrifice over comfort; they chose their children’s future over their own present.

Art exhibit will feature works by SMHS students

Linda Oppelt 0 141

COLORADO SPRINGS. St. Gabriel the Archangel Parish is hosting an art exhibit April 13 - May 16 titled “St. Mary’s High School: Eucharist Show.” The exhibit consists of 14 students’ perspectives on the Eucharist for contemplation. The exhibit will be open from 3 p.m.-9 p.m. on weekdays and after weekend Masses. 

What Can St. Mary’s High School Offer Your Child?

By Tom Maj

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There are many factors to consider when choosing the right academic fit for your high schooler. Selecting between public, private, and religious schools can pose a substantial enough challenge, and choosing a specific institution requires careful thought, ample research, and quiet consideration.

THE BISHOP'S CROZIER: Illuminating Our Path

By Bishop James R. Golka

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Train the young in the way they should go; even when old, they will not swerve from it.” – Proverbs 22:6

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
As Catholic Schools Week approaches, it is worth reflecting on these important words from paragraph 2223 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church.  “Parents have the first responsibility for the education of their children.”  The same paragraph goes on to quote Pope St. John Paul II, “Parents should teach their children to subordinate the ‘material and instinctual dimensions to interior and spiritual ones.’”

Educating Today’s Scholars and Tomorrow’s Saints

By Sheila Whalen

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"The contemporary world urgently needs the service of educational institutions which uphold and teach that truth is ‘that fundamental value without which freedom, justice and human dignity are extinguished.’” — St. Pope John Paul II (Veritatis Splendor, n.4)

Each year, we take a week to celebrate the amazing gift of Catholic education.