THE BISHOP'S CROZIER: Sacrament of Humility, Unity, and Charity

By Bishop James R. Golka

Bishop James R. Golka 0 145

In the last month, we have witnessed two very impactful events in our country. On July 13, we witnessed a shocking assassination attempt on a former president.  Days later, we witnessed one of the largest gatherings of  Catholic faithful in recent history at the National Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis.

EL BÁCULO DEL OBISPO: El sacramento de la humildad, la unidad y la caridad

By Bishop James R. Golka

Bishop James R. Golka 0 164

En el último mes hemos sido testigos de dos acontecimientos muy impactantes en nuestro país.   El 13 de julio fuimos testigos de un impactante intento de asesinato de un ex presidente.  Días después, asistimos a una de las mayores concentraciones de fieles católicos de la historia reciente en el Congreso Eucarístico Nacional de Indianápolis.

Families with special-needs children find respite at DR

by William J. Dagendesh

William Dagendesh 0 281

COLORADO SPRINGS. Caregiving can be a highly demanding, stressful responsibility for which no one person can adequately perform full-time without assistance.

Family members also require support and attention in order to maintain their own health and well-being. Respite care helps parents or caregivers take time to refresh, recharge their batteries and enables them to cope with caregiving.

Stewardship Conference offered at St. Patrick Church on Aug. 29

Linda Oppelt 0 218

COLORADO SPRINGS. The Diocese of Colorado Springs’ Office of Stewardship and Development is hosting a one-day Stewardship Conference on Aug. 29 at St. Patrick Parish, in Bonzel Hall. The event begins with Mass at 9 a.m., followed by speakers including Bishop James Golka. Visit www.diocs.org/2024stewardshipconference to register. There is no cost, but registration is requested by Aug. 22. Contact 719-866-6518 with any questions.

Religious Men Jubilarians

Linda Oppelt 0 182

The Herald features its annual jubilarian special section honoring clergy and religious celebrating milestone anniversaries this year. Below are the religious men celebrating jubilees this year.  
