St. Gabriel to host three grief support groups

Linda Oppelt 0 63

COLORADO SPRINGS. St. Gabriel Parish will offer three grief support groups starting in March: An English-language bereavement support group and a Spanish-language bereavement support group, both on Thursday evenings from 6:30-8 p.m. beginning March 13 and running for 10 weeks. Also, “When A Loved One Dies by Suicide,” a group specifically for those who’ve lost a loved one to suicide whether recently or many years ago, will run for eight weeks on Tuesday evenings from 6:30-8 p.m. beginning March 25. Advance registration requested. For more information or to register, contact Linda at lpopolano@saintgabriel.net or the St. Gabriel office at 719-528-8407. 

Love Triangle

By Deacon Cliff Donnelly

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Pope Francis calls each of us to be a tangible sign of hope for those in great need. Bishop Golka echoes this call, emphasizing that Jesus alone reveals the fullness of God’s mercy and the truth about humanity. He challenges us to step beyond our comfort zones, carrying Christ’s hope into modern society and making His presence known in the ordinary places of daily life. Throughout this year, the Herald will explore the many ways the faithful in our diocese are living out this mission.

Black Catholic Mass set for March 8 at St. Joseph

Linda Oppelt 0 40

COLORADO SPRINGS. The Colorado Springs Council for Black Catholics will hold its next Mass on March 8 at 5:30 p.m. at St. Joseph Parish in Colorado Springs. Light refreshments will be served after Mass. For more information, contact cscbc.be.seen@gmail.com. 

EL BÁCULO DEL OBISPO: Empieza ahora a prepararte para el Miércoles de Ceniza

By Bishop James R. Golka

Linda Oppelt 0 33

En muy poco tiempo, comenzaremos el Tiempo de Cuaresma.  A menudo, en el ajetreo de nuestras vidas, este tiempo santo de Cuaresma puede arrastrarse sobre nosotros y, de repente, es el Miércoles de Ceniza, y hemos hecho poco o nada para prepararnos para esta temporada penitencial.   

Lucas Pollice to teach Vatican II video course

By Kathleen McCarty

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In his Pastoral Letter for the Year of Hope, Bishop James Golka encouraged “all the faithful of the diocese, through prayerful reading and study, [to] rediscover the beautiful and inspiring teachings of Vatican II through which the Holy Spirit has brought about a new and fresh outpouring of the spirit of Pentecost for a New Evangelization.” 
In order to help the faithful rediscover these teachings,  Lucas Pollice, Director of the New Evangelization and Missionary Discipleship for the Diocese of Colorado Springs, will be presenting a nine-part video series on Vatican II.
