Dioceses held more listening sessions in first quarter of 2024 for next phase of Synod

By Maria Wiering/OSV News

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WASHINGTON, D.C. On a Saturday morning in March, about 80 Catholics gathered for two hours at the Archdiocese of St. Louis’ headquarters in a southwest St. Louis suburb.

Their aim was to reflect on two questions: “Where have I seen or experienced successes — and distresses — within the Church’s structure(s)/organization/leadership/life that encourage or hinder the mission?” and “How can the structures and organization of the Church help all the baptized to respond to the call to proclaim the Gospel and to live as a community of love and mercy in Christ?”

Inferno Fatherhood 5K set for June 15

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COLORADO SPRINGS. The Inferno Fatherhood 5K Run and Walk will take place June 15 at John Venezia Park in Briargate. Registration and bib pick-up will take place from 7:30-8:30 a.m. The run begins at 9 a.m. and will be officially timed. Registration includes a t-shirt, gifts, water, snacks and prizes. Family tickets are also available. For more information and to register, visit www.infernomen.com

Walk for Life set for June 1 at Memorial Park

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COLORADO SPRINGS. Life Network will hold its annual Walk for Life on June 1 at Memorial Park in downtown Colorado Springs. The event helps to support Life Network’s three crisis pregnancy centers in the Pikes Peak Region. Check-in for the walk begins at 8 a.m., followed by a Kid’s Race at 9 a.m. The walk begins at 9:30 a.m. For a complete schedule, registration and sponsorship information, visit www.walkforlife.com.

Shrine to Our Lady of Guadalupe: A place of healing, hope, joy, and miracles for the Grand Valley

By Ginny Revel

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FRUITA. On Dec. 9, 2023, Bishop Stephen Berg of Pueblo joyously dedicated the new Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe on a one-acre site located on the grounds of Sacred Heart Parish in Fruita. The bilingual Mass of Consecration capped off years of planning, construction, fundraising, hard work, and earnest prayers by the 12 members of the Our Lady of Guadalupe Shrine Committee – known as the “Mary Committee” -- as well as the many other parishioners, deanery members and even strangers who donated their talents and treasure to the project. 

EL BÁCULO DEL OBISPO: La obediencia sacerdotal

By Bishop James R. Golka

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"Pedro, junto con los Apóstoles, respondió: ‘Hay que obedecer a Dios antes que a los hombres’” (Hechos 5, 29).

Hoy hay en el mundo más de 400.000 hombres que respondieron a la llamada al sacerdocio.  Son 400.000 hombres únicos e irrepetibles.  No hay dos iguales, no hay dos con los mismos talentos, no hay dos que sigan el mismo camino hacia la ordenación.

Diocese of Colorado Springs announces hiring of theology professor Lucas Pollice

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COLORAOD SPRINGS. The Diocese of Colorado Springs announced that Lucas Pollice has been named Director of the New Evangelization and Missionary Discipleship, effective June 1.

Pollice will be collaborating with the Catholic Pastoral Center staff, pastors, clergy, and parish leaders throughout the diocese to promote the Church’s vision for the New Evangelization and missionary discipleship through pastoral, catechetical, and leadership formation and support, the diocese said.

Tino Archuleta, local businessman and Catholic Charities supporter, dies at age 92

By Veronica Ambuul

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COLORADO SPRINGS. Celestino “Tino” Archuleta, who served on the first board of directors of Colorado Springs Catholic Social Services, died April 11 at age 92. Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated April 24 at Sacred Heart Parish in Colorado Springs, followed by burial at Caernero Creek Cemetery in La Garita.

God’s Work on Sunday

By Kathleen McCarty

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"Blessed are those who have been called to the wedding feast of the lamb.” — Revelation 19:9.

St. Thomas Aquinas once said that “love follows knowledge.” It’s also true that the more we love, the more we want to know. During this second year of Eucharistic Revival, as we seek to grow closer to Our Lord in the Eucharist, hopefully our desire to know and love him more has also grown. God reveals himself to us in a myriad of ways, but the most important and intimate way we come to know him is at Mass. The Church obliges us to attend Mass every Sunday and going to Mass is often spoken of as something that we do. What if the Mass is something that God does — for us?
