EL BÁCULO DEL OBISPO: Amor misericordioso e inagotable

By Bishop James R. Golka

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"Les daré un corazón íntegro e infundiré en ellos un espíritu nuevo: les arrancaré el corazón de piedra y les daré un corazón de carne, para que sigan mis leyes y pongan por obra mis mandatos; serán mi pueblo y yo seré su Dios”. — Ezequiel 11:19-20

Tal vez haya leído, o leído a sus hijos o nietos, el libro de C.S. Lewis “El león, la bruja y el ropero,” o quizás haya visto la película con un sobrino o sobrina. Si es así, sabrá que al final de la historia hay un momento crítico en el que Aslan el León, que representa a Jesucristo, devuelve la vida a todas las criaturas que la Bruja Blanca había convertido en estatuas.

THE BISHOP'S CROZIER: Merciful and Inexhaustible Love

By Bishop James R. Golka

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And I will give them another heart and a new spirit I will put within them. From their bodies I will remove the hearts of stone, and give them hearts of flesh, so that they walk according to my statutes, taking care to keep my ordinances. Thus they will be my people, and I will be their God.” 
— Ezekiel 11:19-20

Perhaps you have read C.S. Lewis’ book or seen the film adaptation of “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.”  If so, you know at the end of the story there is a critical moment where Aslan the Lion, who represents Jesus Christ, restores life to all the creatures that the White Witch had turned into statues.

Sacred Heart of Jesus statue restored following vandalism

By Grace Donnelly

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COLORADO SPRINGS.  Last May, the Sacred Heart Parish community was devastated when its statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, which proudly stood above the parish center for 68 years, was destroyed. A mentally ill person pushed it off the “eyebrow” above the parish center doors and it broke into multiple pieces. The community feared that the statue was gone forever.

Notre Dame Club connects alumni for service, camaraderie

by William J. Dagendesh

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COLORADO SPRINGS. The Notre Dame Club of Southern Colorado (NDCSC) exists to connect alumni, parents and friends in Southern Colorado to support the university’s mission to thrive in faith.

The NDCSC serves Notre Dame alumni and fans in southern Colorado. Formed in 1953, the club promotes solidarity and friendship among graduates, students and friends of the university. It does this by preserving the ideas which Notre Dame men and women have been taught to uphold while students there.
