2023 Advent and Christmas Schedules

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Holy Days of Obligation in the coming weeks: 
• Christmas Day on Monday, Dec. 25, is a Holy Day of Obligation. The faithful must attend two Masses between Dec 23-25: one for the Sunday obligation and one for the Christmas obligation. For instance, the Sunday obligation may be fulfilled by attending the Saturday Vigil Mass or a Sunday morning Mass; the Christmas obligation may be fulfilled by attending a Mass after 4 p.m. on Christmas Eve or a Christmas Day Mass.
•The Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God on Jan. 1, 2024 is not a Holy Day of Obligation this year. (Decree of U.S. bishops, Dec. 13, 1991)  

Serra Anniversary Dinner set for Jan. 15

Linda Oppelt 0 136

COLORADO SPRINGS. The St. Serra Apostolate of Colorado Springs will hold its Anniversary Dinner and Silent Auction on Jan. 15, 2024 at 4 p.m. at the Newman Center, 4785 Stanton Rd., Colorado Springs, 80918. Tickets are $45 per person; attendees can bring one additional priest or religious sister for $25. Make checks payable to St. Serra Club of Colorado Springs and send to 228 N. Cascade Ave., Colorado Springs, 80903 by Jan. 5. For more information, call 719-576-0641 or send an email to SerraCOsprings@diocs.net.


By Andy Barton

Andy Barton 0 135

At the end of the new Ridley Scott biopic “Napoleon,” the director lists the total number of French soldiers killed under Napoleon’s command. As if the three hours of 19th-century warfare were not enough to remind you of the brutality of war, Scott drives it home as a last indictment of Napolean.  The numbers are sobering, but the disregard for human life seems to be his message. 

New Year, New You, New Ministry

By Aisha C. Young

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“Be the change you want to see in the world.” — Mahatma Ghandi.

As we look toward 2024, we are called to reflect on ourselves, our faith, and our community. Natural tithing occurs when we see a need and we meet that need. We are all blessed in various ways. Participating in the Project C.U.R.E. ministry allows us to prepare for the seasonal transition.

Nativity scene indulgence can be gained at four locations in diocese

By Veronica Ambuul

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COLORADO SPRINGS. The Feast of the Immaculate Conception on Dec. 8 marked the first day that Catholics could receive a special plenary indulgence for praying before a Nativity scene at Franciscan churches. The indulgence was granted by Pope Francis in honor of the 800th anniversary of the approval of the Rule of St. Francis and the saint’s creation of a Nativity scene in Greccio, Italy. The indulgence can be obtained until Feb. 2, 2024, the Feast of the Presentation.

Deacon McGrady named Marriage and Family Life Director

By Veronica Ambuul

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COLORADO SPRINGS. Bishop James Golka has named Deacon Mike McGrady Director of Marriage and Family Life for the Diocese of Colorado Springs, effective Dec. 1.
Deacon McGrady was ordained May 19, 2012 and serves at St. Gabriel the Archangel Parish. 

He is retired from the Air Force and has served in Youth Ministry, Family Support and Readiness, and as a Director of Faith Formation. 

He can be reached at 719-866-6293 or mmcgrady@diocs.org.

Young adults gather for celebration at Newman Center

By Fatima Hummel

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COLORADO SPRINGS. On Dec. 5, the diocesan Young Adult Ministry (YAM) and diocesan campus ministry partnered to kick off the Christ the King Global Annual Celebration of  Young Adults. We gathered for Mass at the Newman Center with Bishop James Golka, who beautifully explained the meaning of Advent. He encouraged us to approach the sacrament of reconciliation as a place of God’s merciful love.
