Serra Anniversary Dinner set for Jan. 15 at Newman Center

Linda Oppelt 0 171

COLORADO SPRINGS. The St. Serra Apostolate of Colorado Springs, which fosters and promotes vocations to the priesthood and religious life, will hold their annual anniversary Mass and dinner on Jan. 15, 2024 at the Newman Center, 4785 Stanton Rd., Colorado Springs, 80918. Father Kyle Ingels will celebrate Mass at 4 p.m., followed by an induction ceremony for new Serrans. A wine reception and silent auction will take place before the catered dinner. Tickets are $45 per person and much be confirmed by Dec. 31. Those who plan to attend should contact 307-922-6813 or serraCOSprings@diocs.net

(Updated 2023/11/30)


Bishop James R. Golka 0 123

Den gracias a Dios en toda ocasión: esto es lo que Dios quiere de todos ustedes, en Cristo Jesús”. — 1 Tesalonicenses 5, 18

Queridos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo,

Dentro de unos días, nuestro país celebrará la fiesta anual de Acción de Gracias.  Este acontecimiento tiene lugar cada mes de noviembre, y durante un día al año estamos llamados a contar nuestras muchas bendiciones, a dar gracias.

Father David Price named to USCCB post

By Veronica Ambuul

Veronica Ambuul 0 792

COLORADO SPRINGS. Father David Price, who has served as rector of St. Mary’s Cathedral for over a decade, has been appointed Associate Director of the Secretariat for Divine Worship of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops in Washington, D.C. In his new role — a three-year term beginning in January — he will be working with Father Dustin Dought, Executive Director of the Secretariat for Divine Worship. Father Jaimes Ponce, J.C.D., will serve as temporary administrator of St. Mary’s Cathedral effective Jan. 1.

Catholic Legacy Society gathering features talk on spiritual warfare

By Linda J Oppelt

Linda J Oppelt 0 414

COLORADO SPRINGS. At the annual Catholic Legacy Society Luncheon on Oct. 26, attendees heard from Jessica Navin, FOCUS (Fellowship of Catholic University Students) Spiritual Formation Coordinator. Navin’s topic, spiritual warfare, focused mainly on the spiritual journey of each individual rather than on a larger, cosmic perspective.

Standing Up to the Bullies

By Father Jason Keas

Father Jason Keas 0 245

On Sept. 9, our diocese celebrated The National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children. It was a beautiful day as the faithful came to pray and stand with those who are healing from an abortion. Together we remembered their children and prayed for an end to abortion and the violence abortion creates against both child and parent.

Garden at Our Lady of the Pines is a cornucopia of nutrition

by William J. Dagendesh

William Dagendesh 0 244

COLORADO SPRINGS. Three Our Lady of the Pines parishioners have been tending a vegetable garden that provides fresh produce for the city’s needy population.

Shari Underwood, Deb Calhoun and Carla Dunford tend a garden located on the rectory grounds at Our Lady of the Pines Parish in the Black Forest section of Colorado Springs. The garden provides nutritionally-rich produce grown to support the needs of poor, urban neighborhoods and rural, secluded areas. This includes struggling families, seniors living on a fixed income, the working poor, military veterans, the disabled, unsupported teens and the city’s homeless population.
