Teen Night with Bishop Golka set for Nov. 5 at OLP

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COLORADO SPRINGS. All teens in the diocese in grades 9-12 are invited to a High School Night with Bishop James Golka on Nov. 5 at Our Lady of the Pines Parish. The event will begin with Mass at 5:30 p.m., followed by a pizza dinner at and a presentation by Bishop Golka from 7:15-8:15 p.m. Those who plan to attend are asked to RSVP to Stacy@ourladyofthepines.org by Nov. 1.

Information night for parents of prospective seminarians on Oct. 25

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COLORADO SPRINGS. Parents of men and boys who are discerning the priesthood or who would like to learn more about the discernment process, application process and seminary life are invited to attend a Parent’s Night at the St. John Henry Newman Center, located at 4785 Stanton Rd., near the UCCS campus on Oct. 25 from 6:30-7:30 p.m. No RSVP is required.  For more information, send an email to mlehnertz@icloud.com.

How to Pilgrimage From Home

By Deacon Patrick Jones

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Day two of my pilgrimage pulls back its covers. Sky, mountains, forest, and trail emerge from early morning’s deep purple gloaming to bathe in streams of gold. Electric blue light lingers in the glen as I head out my own door in the Colorado mountains for the next day of pilgrimage prayer on the Camino de Santiago France, the most popular route of the famous pilgrimage  also known as the Way of St. James.
