March for Life inspires participants to work at local level

By Theresa Ward

Theresa Ward 0 379

COLORADO SPRINGS. A large group of youth and adults from the diocese traveled to Washington, D.C. to participate Jan. 20 in the March for Life, an annual demonstration which takes place as a response to the Jan. 22, 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling of the U.S. Supreme Court which legalized abortion in all 50 states. Prior to the ruling, states had their own laws about abortion. The march began the following year, 1974, and has continued ever since.

Visit to Ukraine brings both sadness and hope

By Jim Dalrymple

Linda Oppelt 0 659

COLORADO SPRINGS. The recent news from Ukraine would keep most travelers far from eastern Europe, but not Ken Rackers.

Rackers, who is vice present of the board of directors of Catholic Outreach to Northern Ukraine (CONU), visited the wartorn country last October to get a first-hand assessment of the situation and help get the word out regarding the plight of citizens there.

Office of Hispanic Ministry to hold Eucharistic Congress Feb. 25 at St. Mary’s Cathedral

Linda Oppelt 0 748

COLORADO SPRINGS. The Diocese of Colorado Springs’ Office of Hispanic Ministry is sponsoring a Eucharistic Congress on Feb. 25 from 8 a.m.-1 p.m. at St. Mary’s Cathedral. 
Speakers will include Father Roylan Recio, Father James Gordon F.S.S.P., and Bishop James Golka. All of the presentations will be in Spanish. 

St. Dominic Parish to host Special Needs Mass Feb. 18

Metro South Deanery

Linda Oppelt 0 566

SECURITY. Knights of Columbus Council No. 4636 will host a Mass for People with Special Needs on Feb. 18 at 10 a.m. at St. Dominic Parish in Security. The Mass is designed to diminish stressors that may produce anxiety and will include dimmed lights, no ringing of bells and no singing. Wheelchair and restroom access, as well as a deaf interpreter and accessible parking, will be provided. For more information, contact John Mascitelli at 719-306-5101 or mascitelli.52@gmail.com. 

St. Joseph Parish to host ‘A Biblical Walk Through the Mass’

Metro South Deanery

Linda Oppelt 0 684

COLORADO SPRINGS. St. Joseph Parish in Colorado Springs will offer a five-part video study by Dr. Edward Sri titled “A Biblical Walk Through the Mass” on Tuesday evenings from 6-8 p.m. beginning March 14. Cost of the study set, which includes a book and workbook, is $25. For more information, contact Vince Onoja at 719-576-9331 or the parish office at 719-632-9903. 
