St. Dominic Parish to host Special Needs Mass Feb. 18

Metro South Deanery

Linda Oppelt 0 575

SECURITY. Knights of Columbus Council No. 4636 will host a Mass for People with Special Needs on Feb. 18 at 10 a.m. at St. Dominic Parish in Security. The Mass is designed to diminish stressors that may produce anxiety and will include dimmed lights, no ringing of bells and no singing. Wheelchair and restroom access, as well as a deaf interpreter and accessible parking, will be provided. For more information, contact John Mascitelli at 719-306-5101 or mascitelli.52@gmail.com. 

St. Joseph Parish to host ‘A Biblical Walk Through the Mass’

Metro South Deanery

Linda Oppelt 0 697

COLORADO SPRINGS. St. Joseph Parish in Colorado Springs will offer a five-part video study by Dr. Edward Sri titled “A Biblical Walk Through the Mass” on Tuesday evenings from 6-8 p.m. beginning March 14. Cost of the study set, which includes a book and workbook, is $25. For more information, contact Vince Onoja at 719-576-9331 or the parish office at 719-632-9903. 

Lay Carmelite information meeting to be held in February

Metro North Deanery

Linda Oppelt 0 532

COLORADO SPRINGS. The Morning Star Lay Carmelite Community will hold an information meeting on Feb. 15 from 7-8 p.m. at St. Gabriel the Archangel Parish. Lay Carmelites live according to the examples of saints such as St. Teresa of Avila, St. John of the Cross and St. Therese of Lisieux. For more information, contact Angelica Carson at 906-825-7444 or ltangel77@att.net. 

Jesse Romero to give English and Spanish talks at St. Francis

Northern Deanery

Linda Oppelt 0 692

CASTLE ROCK. Catholic author and speaker Jesse Romero will give two presentations for men at St. Francis of Assisi Parish in Castle Rock. On Feb. 3, Romero will give a presentation in English from 7-9 p.m. Free craft beer and snacks will be served. On Feb. 4, Romero will give a presentation in Spanish from 8:30 a.m.-10 a.m. For more information and to register, visit www.infernomen.com. 

Coats for Kids program helps families make ends meet

by William J. Dagendesh

William Dagendesh 0 654

COLORADO SPRINGS. Scores of Colorado children are toasty warm this winter thanks to the annual Coats for Kids project.

Conducted by the Knights of Columbus (K of C) Our Lady of Guadalupe Chapter and Catholic Charities of Central Colorado (CCCC), Coats for Kids provides children with a warm, winter coat. Financial assistance is provided to the sick, disabled, and the needy and their families through this project.

Workshops are designed to help people discern their gifts

By Linda Oppelt

Linda Oppelt 0 582

COLORADO SPRINGS. Do you know with which spiritual gifts you have been blessed, as part of your baptism and call to be a light to the world?

The Diocese of Colorado Springs is offering two opportunities to all parishioners of the diocese to attend an initial workshop of the Called and Gifted Discernment Process, a three-part program that helps lay Catholics discern their individual charisms.
