THE CATHOLIC REVIEW: Preparation for the Lenten Journey

by Deacon Rick Bauer

Deacon Rick Bauer 0 54 Article rating: No rating

We have entered into the season of Lent, when we are called to practice more intensely the disciplines of prayer, fasting and almsgiving. In the prayer department, we can be greatly aided by books that help us to meditate on Christ’s passion and death. Below are several suggestions:


By Andy Barton

Andy Barton 0 73 Article rating: No rating

At the end of the new Ridley Scott biopic “Napoleon,” the director lists the total number of French soldiers killed under Napoleon’s command. As if the three hours of 19th-century warfare were not enough to remind you of the brutality of war, Scott drives it home as a last indictment of Napolean.  The numbers are sobering, but the disregard for human life seems to be his message. 

Flowers and Herbs Named After Events in the Life of the Virgin Mary

By Sean M. Wright

Sean M Wright 0 216 Article rating: 5.0

On Dec.  8 each year, the Catholic Church liturgically celebrates the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. She recognized that her delivery from sin came about, not by her own merits, but by none other than “God my Savior” (Luke 1:46). This direct historical event set into motion God’s plan for humanity’s redemption. This humble and sanctified woman would then permit God to take human form within her womb (see Luke 1:38).

New Year, New You, New Ministry

By Aisha C. Young

Aisha C. Young 0 83 Article rating: No rating

“Be the change you want to see in the world.” — Mahatma Ghandi.

As we look toward 2024, we are called to reflect on ourselves, our faith, and our community. Natural tithing occurs when we see a need and we meet that need. We are all blessed in various ways. Participating in the Project C.U.R.E. ministry allows us to prepare for the seasonal transition.

Standing Up to the Bullies

By Father Jason Keas

Father Jason Keas 0 124 Article rating: 5.0

On Sept. 9, our diocese celebrated The National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children. It was a beautiful day as the faithful came to pray and stand with those who are healing from an abortion. Together we remembered their children and prayed for an end to abortion and the violence abortion creates against both child and parent.

BLESSINGS IN BLOOM: Indoor Gardening

By Kerry Peetz

Kerry Peetz 0 58 Article rating: No rating

For gardeners, this is a melancholy time. We are already missing the splash of color from our favorite perennial flower, the scent of fresh soil, and the highly gratifying feeling of slicing our own garden-grown vegetables. Alas, another growing season has passed. What are we gardeners to do?