Abortion is Violence Against Women

By Rhonda Miller

Linda Oppelt 0 451

Abortion has become one of the primary means of perpetrating violence against women, however, most of society does not see it this way. We need to begin reframing abortion for what it really is — domestic violence.

Movie suggestions for a family-friendly film library

By Sean M. Wright

Sean M Wright 0 196

In this era of podcasts and streaming services, vigilant Catholic parents will want to search for cinematic productions which tell absorbing stories without descending into standard societal sinkholes: needless profanity; permissive drug use, cheerless nudity; sympathetic portrayals of sexual depravity; and smirking dismissals of the existence of God 

CARITAS CORNER: Showing Compassion Often Requires Suffering

By Andy Barton

Andy Barton 0 167

I was reading at a Starbucks on the northeast side of Colorado Springs one morning last month when a teenage couple walked into the cafe. The girl was pulling a large suitcase and was wearing a baggy beige Cabela’s sweatshirt with pictures of deer and oversized grey sweatpants. The boy was similarly unkempt, wearing jeans three sizes too big and a dark, zip-up hoodie with pictures of marijuana leaves down the sleeves. His black hat was pulled low across his forehead so that his eyes disappeared behind the bill. The girl ordered and they went onto the patio to smoke as they drank, leaving the suitcase inside.


Kerry Peetz 0 220

If you grow onions, now is the time you are enjoying the harvest. Lucky you! Who can resist the wonderful scent of sauteed onions cooking in the kitchen, or the fresh bite of pickled onions on a favorite sandwich. If you haven’t grown them and you have a lot of direct sunlight in your yard you might want to consider this.

Book titles to add to one’s fall reading list

by Deacon Rick Bauer

Deacon Rick Bauer 0 136

Sometimes, we Catholics get our heads stuck on a particular challenge in the church and don’t realize how it may be affecting other faith traditions. So it is with “The Great Dechurching” (Jim Davis and Michael Graham, Zondervan Press, 2023), a thoughtful and accurate depiction of the largest and fastest religious shift in U.S. history.

While as a deacon and a writer I tend to pray about the challenges that the Catholic Church faces (scandals, politics, programs, recovery from COVID, etc.), I completely missed the broader trends affecting virtually all Christian churches in America.

BLESSINGS IN BLOOM: Gardeners vs. Wildlife: Part 2

By Kerry Peetz

Kerry Peetz 0 303

Voles, pocket gophers, squirrels, and snakes live right alongside us Coloradans. As gardeners we have absolutely no interest in “sharing our space” but the cold hard fact is that we really have no say in the matter. But, maybe, just maybe by the grace of God and with few Hail Mary’s we can learn how to manage these creatures and live peacefully.

CARITAS CORNER: Good Catholic Songs

By Andy Barton

Andy Barton 0 206

Let me just get this out of the way:  the band Black Sabbath is not for everyone.  If their choice of band name is not enough to turn off good and proper people, the anecdotes of their excessive living are sufficiently dissuasive.  It is an infamy that stems, in large part, from their lead singer Ozzy Osbourne who, for those of my generation, was the subject of playground legend for biting off the head of a live bat during a concert in 1982 (which is not fiction, by the way).

The Glory of God’s Glue

By Stephen Ambuul

Linda Oppelt 0 252

Editor’s Note: Following is the text of a talk delivered by Stephen Ambuul, a recent graduate of the Chesterton Academy of Our Lady of Walsingham, at the school’s annual gala and auction on March 25. The gala raised more than $100,00 for the school.
