BLESSINGS IN BLOOM: Pumpkins BLESSINGS IN BLOOM: Pumpkins By Kerry Peetz Kerry Peetz / Friday, October 21, 2022 0 642 It’s pumpkin season! Those wonderful, plump, orange balls of fall can be seen almost everywhere we look this time of year. They are relatively easy to grow in our diocese and are fun to watch in the garden. Read more
Revive Alive - The Eucharistic Revival in the Diocese of Colorado Springs Fr. James Baron / Friday, October 21, 2022 0 522 Welcome to the second installation of Revive Alive, a series of teaching and reflection on the Eucharistic Revival in the Diocese of Colorado Springs. In addition to the monthly feature on Reclaiming Sunday as the Lord’s Day, these reflections are intended to offer some thoughts on the gift of the Eucharist and how we can embrace this life-giving gift as disciples of Jesus Christ. God wants to renew us and his Church through the Eucharist. Hopefully these will be of some help! Read more
Faithful Pastor - Diocese says final farewell to Bishop Emeritus Michael Sheridan By Veronica Ambuul Linda Oppelt / Friday, October 21, 2022 0 1237 COLORADO SPRINGS. Prelates from around the country paid tribute to Bishop Emeritus Michael Sheridan as local Catholics mourned the late bishop during vigil and funeral liturgies held Oct. 6 and 7. Bishop Sheridan died of cancer Sept. 27 at age 77. Read more
0 Obituaries Linda Oppelt Thursday, March 6, 2025 Dr. Michael O’Donnell dies Feb. 15 at age 68 OGDENSBURG, N.Y. Dr. Michael O’Donnell, an Episcopal priest who worked with Catholic Charities of Central Colorado for several years and wrote a regular column in The Colorado Catholic Herald, died Feb. 15 in Ogdensburg, New York.
0 Diocesan Schools Linda Oppelt Thursday, March 6, 2025 Illuminating Our Path: Shaping the Future of Catholic Education in the Diocese of Colorado Springs In 2022, the Diocese of Colorado Springs partnered with the Meitler Group to create a strategic growth plan for Catholic schools in our community. Through a comprehensive data study, we identified key areas for growth, shaping the strategic plan...