CARITAS CORNER: The Gospel Call to Serve Those in Need

Andy Barton 0 140

We live in an emotional time.  Our culture is increasingly shaped by those whose voices are the loudest and whose emotions are the strongest.  Loud voices and strong emotions are fine, but only if they are governed by reason and truth.

Immigration is a topic that triggers a strong emotional response for many people. Previously, Bishop Golka addressed “The Both/And of Immigration.”  In this issue he writes about the Church’s take on the common good. I’d like to share how Catholic Charities of Central Colorado works toward the common good and to dispel some myths about the work we do.

Inaugural Colorado March for Life will take place April 12

By Julie Bailey

Julie Bailey 0 435

On April 12, Pro-Life Colorado, a coalition of pro-life organizations across the state, will team up with the National March for Life organization to host the first ever Colorado March for Life. While it is true that we have for many years held statewide rallies and marches at the state capitol in Denver, these were always independent undertakings sponsored by the Denver Archdiocese under the moniker “Celebrate Life March.” 

LESSONS FROM LITURGY: Lent: Take Off Those Old Clothes

By Father Thomas Pressley

Father Thomas Pressley 0 183

Our clothing tells the stories of our lives. Shirts from family reunions, high school bands, sports teams, and the resale shop stir our memories and declare to the world who we are and whence we came.  Whether deliberately or accidentally, our clothes become outward signs to the world of the ways we wish to label ourselves.



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    FEATURED MOVIE REVIEW: The Wild Robot 0 Arts & Culture


    NEW YORK. Cast aside any concerns about the dangers of artificial intelligence — “The Wild Robot” (PG, Dreamworks) has arrived, a Mary Poppins bot ready to chase your cares away in this warm and fuzzy animated adaptation of the...
    General Robert Titus dies Sept. 8 at age 97 0 Obituaries
    Linda Oppelt

    General Robert Titus dies Sept. 8 at age 97

    COLORADO SPRINGS. General Robert Titus, a highly decorated veteran of three wars, died Sept. 8 at age 91. Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated Sept. 23 at Corpus Christi Parish, followed by burial in the U.S. Air Force Academy Cemetery.

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