Serra Anniversary Dinner set for Jan. 15

Linda Oppelt 0 104 Article rating: No rating

COLORADO SPRINGS. The St. Serra Apostolate of Colorado Springs will hold its Anniversary Dinner and Silent Auction on Jan. 15, 2024 at 4 p.m. at the Newman Center, 4785 Stanton Rd., Colorado Springs, 80918. Tickets are $45 per person; attendees can bring one additional priest or religious sister for $25. Make checks payable to St. Serra Club of Colorado Springs and send to 228 N. Cascade Ave., Colorado Springs, 80903 by Jan. 5. For more information, call 719-576-0641 or send an email to SerraCOsprings@diocs.net.


By Andy Barton

Andy Barton 0 93 Article rating: No rating

At the end of the new Ridley Scott biopic “Napoleon,” the director lists the total number of French soldiers killed under Napoleon’s command. As if the three hours of 19th-century warfare were not enough to remind you of the brutality of war, Scott drives it home as a last indictment of Napolean.  The numbers are sobering, but the disregard for human life seems to be his message. 

How I Know that Abortion is Violence Against Women

By Cheryle Martinez

Linda Oppelt 0 148 Article rating: 1.5

In February 1986, I started getting nauseous at the same time each day. A friend suggested I might be pregnant.  I highly doubted it, but decided to go to Planned Parenthood in early March for a pregnancy test. I was shocked to discover I was nine weeks pregnant.

Flowers and Herbs Named After Events in the Life of the Virgin Mary

By Sean M. Wright

Sean M Wright 0 349 Article rating: 5.0

On Dec.  8 each year, the Catholic Church liturgically celebrates the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. She recognized that her delivery from sin came about, not by her own merits, but by none other than “God my Savior” (Luke 1:46). This direct historical event set into motion God’s plan for humanity’s redemption. This humble and sanctified woman would then permit God to take human form within her womb (see Luke 1:38).



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