A Sign of Hope: Sister Mary Wilhelmina Lancaster’s apparently incorrupt remains lead to talk of canonization

By Clarence Johnson

Clarence Johnson 0 3218

The discovery of the apparently incorrupt remains of Sister Mary Wilhelmina Lancaster of the Most Holy Rosary on April 28, 2023, has created hopeful excitement within the American Catholic Community.  It has also inspired many to look closer at the life of this little-known African American religious and to consider the history of rich contributions by African Americans to Catholicism.  Sister Wilhelmina’s quiet but determined faith inspired others to live her credo, “God’s Will.” 

FEATURED MOVIE REVIEW: Six must-watch marriage movies

By John Mulderig/OSV News

John Mulderig 0 209

NEW YORK. Hollywood seems to find more drama in decaying marriages and divorce than in marital stability. Yet memorable films portraying successful marriages have appeared over the years. Following, in alphabetical order, are capsule reviews of six movies that depict happily spliced couples, together with their OSV News classifications and, if applicable, their Motion Picture Association ratings. All are available on disc and/or for streaming.

EL BÁCULO DEL OBISPO: Gratitud, Celebración, Preparación

By Bishop James R. Golka

Bishop James R. Golka 0 99

Pero aún ahora — oráculo del Señor — vuelvan a mí de todo corazón . . .” — Joel 2, 12

Queridos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo,

A medida que nos acercamos al Miércoles de Ceniza y al comienzo de la Cuaresma, estamos invitados a dejar que las primeras palabras de la primera lectura para el Miércoles de Ceniza moldeen nuestro viaje anual de Cuaresma.  “Pero aún ahora — oráculo del Señor– vuelvan a mí de todo corazón . . .”.

What Can St. Mary’s High School Offer Your Child?

By Tom Maj

Linda Oppelt 0 143

There are many factors to consider when choosing the right academic fit for your high schooler. Selecting between public, private, and religious schools can pose a substantial enough challenge, and choosing a specific institution requires careful thought, ample research, and quiet consideration.



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    FEATURED MOVIE REVIEW: Mary 0 Arts & Culture
    John Mulderig


    NEW YORK. The life of the Blessed Mother, from before her birth to the flight into Egypt, is recounted with varying levels of artistic adeptness in the uneven biography “Mary” (UnratedNetflix). Though the result is not always...
    BLESSINGS IN BLOOM: Amaryllis 0 Commentary
    Kerry Peetz


    “Where flowers bloom so does hope.” — Lady Bird Johnson. If you haven’t experienced the amaryllis, you should, and if you have, you know that its beauty can only be described as spectacular!

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