FEATURED MOVIE REVIEW: Killers of the Flower Moon

By John Mulderig/OSV News

John Mulderig 0 151

NEW YORK.  Emotional ambiguity pervades the dramatization “Killers of the Flower Moon” (R, Paramount/Apple TV+). Epic yet intimate, director and co-writer Martin Scorsese’s masterful recounting of real-life events in 1920s Oklahoma is too gritty for kids, but deeply rewarding for grown-ups and possibly acceptable for older teens.

Nick Colarelli, Fostering Hope founder, dies Oct. 15 at age 93

Linda Oppelt 0 195

COLORADO SPRINGS. Dr. Nicholas J. Colarelli, an accomplished psychologist and devoted family man who spent his life championing the idea that love and belonging are fundamental to human flourishing, died Oct. 15 at age 93. Holy Cross Father Bob Epping celebrated a Mass of Christian Burial on Nov. 3 at Sacred Heart Church in Colorado Springs.

The Mystery of the Missing Host

By Sean M. Wright

Sean M Wright 0 149

Friar Raymond della Vigna was perplexed.

Sometime in 1375, the priest, a member of the Order of Preachers founded by St. Dominic, was celebrating Mass. As the moment of consecration approached, he prayed that the wafer of bread he held would become the veritable body of Christ by virtue of his speaking the words of Jesus at the Last Supper, “For this is My body”.

EL BÁCULO DEL OBISPO: Las vocaciones son la llave de la puerta a los sacramentos

By Obispo James R. Golka

Bishop James R. Golka 0 196

Jesús convocó a los Doce y les dio poder y autoridad para expulsar a toda clase de demonios y para curar las enfermedades. Y los envió a proclamar el Reino de Dios y a sanar a los enfermos”. – Lucas 9, 1-2

Queridos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo,

Es habitual que, durante las liturgias, un obispo lleve la mitra ceremonial. La mitra es un símbolo de autoridad. Es importante señalar que esta autoridad no significa: “Yo soy tu jefe y tú haces lo que yo digo”. Es una autoridad mucho mejor que esa. Esta es la autoridad que Jesús dio a los apóstoles y a la Iglesia (¡es decir, a nosotros!) para actuar en su nombre



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    FEATURED MOVIE REVIEW: The Wild Robot 0 Arts & Culture


    NEW YORK. Cast aside any concerns about the dangers of artificial intelligence — “The Wild Robot” (PG, Dreamworks) has arrived, a Mary Poppins bot ready to chase your cares away in this warm and fuzzy animated adaptation of the...
    General Robert Titus dies Sept. 8 at age 97 0 Obituaries
    Linda Oppelt

    General Robert Titus dies Sept. 8 at age 97

    COLORADO SPRINGS. General Robert Titus, a highly decorated veteran of three wars, died Sept. 8 at age 91. Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated Sept. 23 at Corpus Christi Parish, followed by burial in the U.S. Air Force Academy Cemetery.

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