Permanent Diaconate Office now accepting applications for formation program

Linda Oppelt 0 892

COLORADO SPRINGS. The Diocese of Colorado Springs’ Office of the Permanent Diaconate invites men who are interested in being considered as deacon candidates to submit applications. To begin the application process, please send an email to Deacon Cliff Donnelly, Director of Deacon Formation, at cdonnelly@diocs.org. For more information on the formation program, visit www.diocs.org/Pastoral-Services/Office-of-Permanent-Diaconate

2022-23 Vocations Prayer calendar now available

Linda Oppelt 0 774

COLORADO SPRINGS. The Diocese of Colorado Springs 2022-23 Vocations Prayer Calendar is now available for download on the diocesan website at https://www.diocs.org/About/Vocations/Priestly-Vocations/Vocations-Prayer-Calendar.

Starting with September 2022, the calendar lists an active priest, retired priest, seminarian, or another general intention to pray for each day, as well as any clergy anniversaries occurring that day. The calendar concludes in August 2023.

Woman with local ties takes perpetual vows as a Dominican

By Veronica Ambuul

Linda Oppelt 0 1114

NASHVILLE, Tenn. Sister Mary Imelda Ohotnicky, a former parishioner of Immaculate Conception Parish in Security, was one of eight Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia who professed perpetual vows of poverty, chastity and obedience on July 25 at Cathedral of the Incarnation in Nashville. 

Saint John Vianney: Thou Art a Priest Forever

By Sean M. Wright

Sean M Wright 0 831

Sandy, my older brother, and I both went to St. John Vianney High School in Los Angeles, staffed by Dominican friars. It engendered a great fondness in us for this great cleric, who is the patron saint of parish priests. In the 18th century, with the battered Church in France brought to her knees by revolu-tion, God raised up an unexpectedly gentle champion of the faith.