Linda Oppelt

Balancing Act: Immigration policy must be just and merciful, bishops say

By Denver Catholic Staff

DENVER. The four bishops of Colorado issued a joint statement Jan. 23 through the Colorado Catholic Conference as President Donald Trump signed various executive orders related to immigration and citizenship requirements.

Out of pastoral care for the flocks they shepherd, the four Colorado bishops — Archbishop Samuel Aquila and Bishop Jorge  Rodríguez of Denver; Bishop Stephen Berg of Pueblo; and Bishop James Golka of Colorado Springs — emphasized their commitment to “walking in solidarity with you, our migrant brothers, sisters and families.”

“We will shepherd you spiritually, gather information and resources, and continue to advocate for your dignity and family unity,” the bishops said in their joint statement. “Immigration is not only a policy issue; it is a test of our moral character. As Catholic faithful, we must remember the words of St. Paul: ‘You are no longer strangers and sojourners, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God’ (Eph 2:19).”

Amid great confusion and fear, the Colorado bishops stated that they see it as their responsibility “to ensure the safety and well-being of our communities, as well as passing on the teaching of the Church on immigration to those who govern.”

In so doing, they explained the Church’s teaching on immigration, dating back to “Rerum Novarum” (“On the Condition of Labor”), Pope Leo XIII’s watershed encyclical, identifying three main principles:

1. People have the right to migrate to sustain their lives and the lives of their families;

2. A country has the right to regulate its borders and to control immigration;

3. A country must regulate its borders with justice and mercy.

“When individuals are not in systems of government where their dignity is upheld, their rights are violated, and their lives and the lives of their families are at risk,” the bishops said in their statement, building on these principles and pointing to Pope St. John Paul II’s “Centesimus Annus” (The Hundredth Year). “Those individuals have the right to migrate, and the country that accepts them has a moral obligation to provide them with basic human needs, including shelter, food, medicine, and the ability to work.”

At the same time, the bishops held up each sovereign nation’s right to regulate its borders. Though “the American immigration system is decidedly ‘broken,’” the bishops said, the United States maintains the right to preserve its social and economic life.

The bishops highlighted the tremendous number of migrants and immigration applications in the United States, the challenge of preserving national security by preventing and prosecuting crime, and the deeply concerning number of unaccompanied and oft-abused minors at the border.

Considering these data, the bishops rejected an “open border” policy, saying it “is not a just system and does great damage to the dignity of the human person, and most especially to the children and women who are trafficked.”

On the other hand, the bishops also rejected mass deportations, saying they are “not the solution to our present situation in the United States, especially when it may separate parents and children.”

Recognizing both the right to migrate and the right to regulate migration, the bishops of Colorado called for a balance of justice and mercy.

“Our faith calls us to solidarity with the marginalized, hence we must acknowledge the importance of order and justice in society,” the bishops said, pointing to the Catechism of the Catholic Church’s call for political leaders to serve the common good.

“Thus, immigration policies should balance mercy with justice, ensuring public safety while upholding the dignity of each human person. Those who exploit the vulnerable or engage in criminal activity must be held accountable, but we must never allow fear to overshadow our commitment to the Gospel. Enforcement of immigration laws must be humane, prioritizing family unity and avoiding unnecessary harm to those seeking a better life,” the bishops continued.

While much remains outside the sphere of influence of the Colorado faithful, the bishops encouraged their flocks to consider three points of action very much within each’s ability:

1. Advocate for comprehensive immigration reform, in Colorado and nationally, that respects human dignity and ensures safety;

2. Support local initiatives that aid immigrants and refugees, especially the work being done at the three regional Catholic Charities;

3. And pray for those who are displaced, for their families, for wisdom and courage in our own hearts, and for local, state and national leaders.

“In this moment, we are called to be both bold and balanced — steadfast in our faith, compassionate in our actions and rooted in the virtue of charity,” the bishops concluded. “May we, as a community of faith, rise to this challenge with hope, courage and a commitment to build a society that reflects the love of Christ.”

To read the full statement, visit https://cocatholic.org/category/bishop-letters/.

(This article originally appeared at denvercatholic.org and is reprinted with permission.)

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