Dioceses held more listening sessions in first quarter of 2024 for next phase of Synod

By Maria Wiering/OSV News

Veronica Ambuul 0 220 Article rating: No rating

WASHINGTON, D.C. On a Saturday morning in March, about 80 Catholics gathered for two hours at the Archdiocese of St. Louis’ headquarters in a southwest St. Louis suburb.

Their aim was to reflect on two questions: “Where have I seen or experienced successes — and distresses — within the Church’s structure(s)/organization/leadership/life that encourage or hinder the mission?” and “How can the structures and organization of the Church help all the baptized to respond to the call to proclaim the Gospel and to live as a community of love and mercy in Christ?”

Mary, Mother of the Church

By Sean M. Wright

Sean M Wright 0 68 Article rating: No rating

We don’t often consider when the gospels were written, but one should know that John’s Gospel appeared last, likely in the mid-to-late 90s. He had the other three gospel accounts in front of him, and his intention was to elaborate on, clarify and spiritualize incidents found in them.

A Sign of Hope: Sister Mary Wilhelmina Lancaster’s apparently incorrupt remains lead to talk of canonization

By Clarence Johnson

Clarence Johnson 0 1901 Article rating: 3.9

The discovery of the apparently incorrupt remains of Sister Mary Wilhelmina Lancaster of the Most Holy Rosary on April 28, 2023, has created hopeful excitement within the American Catholic Community.  It has also inspired many to look closer at the life of this little-known African American religious and to consider the history of rich contributions by African Americans to Catholicism.  Sister Wilhelmina’s quiet but determined faith inspired others to live her credo, “God’s Will.” 



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