Healing workshop set for Jan. 26-28 at The Antlers
COLORADO SPRINGS. The St. Thomas Aquinas Society is sponsoring a Breakthrough Healing Workshop Jan. 26-28 at The Antlers Wyndham Hotel, 4 S. Cascade Ave. in downtown Colorado Springs. Bishop James Golka will celebrate Mass during the event on Jan. 28 at 11 a.m.
Come and enjoy 3 full days and evenings to celebrate our Catholic faith! Our six priests and international speakers include keynote speakers Father Jim Blount SOLT, and Father Stephen Imbarrato who will join Patrick and Joy Campbell, Tony Melendez, Annie Karto, and more. This is a free conference however, a free-will offering will be most appreciated to cover expenses. All are welcome!
For schedule and registration information please visit www.stthomasaquinassociety.org.