Respect Life Apostolate holds Rosary Walk in reparation for abortion
By Julie Bailey
COLORADO SPRINGS. On April 19, a small but dedicated group of prayer warriors walked from Divine Redeemer Church to the Colorado Springs City Hall as an act of reparation for the state of abortion in Colorado.
The group began with morning Mass at Divine Redeemer celebrated by Father Jason Keas, spiritual moderator for the diocesan Respect Life Apostolate. Following Mass, the group set off in silence, each praying independently, carrying rosaries which glinted in the morning sun.
Our prayers included pleas for God’s forgiveness for the permissive laws regarding abortion in the state of Colorado. We prayed for conversion of hearts of the citizens, politicians, community leaders and church leaders across the state who prioritize a freedom to kill over a duty to care for and support life. We also prayed the citizens of Colorado would turn away from the culture of death so clearly illustrated by laws passed in Colorado in 1967, in 2022, and in 2023 that enshrine the right to abortion and the legalization of Physician Assisted Suicide in 2016.
On arrival at the City Hall, we prayed a Divine Mercy Chaplet and Litany together in the sure and certain knowledge that we rely on God’s mercy to return our state ethos to a culture of life. We anticipate more silent Rosary walks in the future. If you would like to participate, please contact Julie Bailey
(Julie Bailey is Director of the Respect Life Apostolate of the Diocese of Colorado Springs.)