THE BISHOP'S CROZIER: Hope and Transformation
By Bishop James R. Golka
When Father Jason Keas, pastor of Divine Redeemer Parish, and Capuchin Father Alex Diaz, pastor of Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish, first approached me with a vision of uniting the two parishes into a diocesan shrine, I was touched by the prayerful discernment of these holy men, as well as their humility and charity in being mindful of the needs of each parish as well as the diocese.
While I was discerning this decision in prayer, it seemed clear that the Holy Spirit was at work; therefore, I have given my blessing to this endeavor, and the diocesan Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe at Divine Redeemer Church will be established on July 1, 2025.
Every Sunday in the Creed, we profess that our Church is “one, holy, catholic and apostolic.” Unifying Our Lady of Guadalupe and Divine Redeemer parishes and transforming them into a shrine is intended to help all of us better serve the apostolic mission of both parishes and the diocese. In every mission, God also asks us to be good stewards of the resources he has given us. Unifying the two parishes allows us to more wisely steward the needs and resources of both parishes.
When listening to Father Diaz and Father Keas, they shared several thoughts about the idea that eventually took form as the vision for this Shrine. Father Diaz observed that the people of Our Lady of Guadalupe have been praying for a larger parish home for a long time. Their Masses are full, and they are turning people away from religious education classes because there is not enough space. Fr. Keas shared that, with shifting demographics in the parish neighborhood and the impending closure of the parish school, it seemed like good stewardship to help with the facility needs for Our Lady of Guadalupe. The school building, rather than being empty, would be used once again to educate children in the faith.
With my approval, Father Keas and Father Diaz announced the upcoming change to their respective parishes on the weekend of March 15/16. It is not a coincidence that the Gospel reading for the Second Sunday of Lent this year included the account of the Transfiguration. When Jesus is transfigured before Peter, James and John, we see a glimpse of the future glory planned for each of us. This transformation is a continual process, and we are called again and again to be transformed to become more and more like Christ in the hope of sharing in that future glory. This parish unification and elevation to a diocesan Shrine point to that reality of ongoing transformation.
As we move forward to a hopeful future, it is also important to honor and remember the impact that these parishes have had on the lives of countless people in the past. While change is often difficult, this is also a time of great hope. I ask for your prayers for the people of Divine Redeemer and Our Lady of Guadalupe as they work together to transform their individual communities into a Shrine, a beacon of hope, for the entire community.
Some might wonder why we are establishing a shrine, what is a shrine and what makes it special. Canon Law tells us that a shrine is “a church or other sacred place which, with the approval of the local Ordinary (i.e. the Bishop), is by reason of special devotion frequented by the faithful as pilgrims” (Can. 1230). While there are different types of shrines, pilgrimage remains a fundamental aspect of all shrines.
It seems especially fitting that this shrine is being established during this Jubilee Year of Hope with its theme, “Pilgrims of Hope.” Pilgrimage is part of our Catholic identity and reflects our journey of transformation into the saints that God is calling us to be. Shrines are also intended to be places of transformation for pilgrims; particularly devoted to prayer, devotions, reception of the sacraments, and works of mercy.
Mary, under the title “Our Lady of Gudalupe,” is the patroness of the Diocese of Colorado Springs. Our Lady of Guadalupe is also the patroness of the Americas and the unborn. We especially need her intercession for the protection of the unborn here in the United States of America, and particularly in Colorado, where abortion is enshrined as a “right” in our state constitution.
The darkness that we see around us is the result of a world that has lost hope. Jesus, the Divine Redeemer, is our hope. He alone can save us from the darkness of our sins, and it is his Mother who points us to him. It is my prayer that the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe at Divine Redeemer Church will be a place of peace, transformation and healing; where everyone can come to be fascinated by Christ and find hope in him.