"Human life is sacred and inviolable at every stage and in every situation"
- The Gospel of Life, no 87

The Bishop’s Respect Life Fund of the Catholic Diocese of Colorado Springs provides a limited number of grants specifically to fund pro-life ministry, outreach, direct services or advocacy in the Pikes Peak Region. Grants between $100 and $5000 are awarded at the discretion of the bishop and dependent on the availability of funds.

Applications must be received electronically (preferred) or postmarked by Aug 31. Grants are awarded during Respect Life Month (October). All grant recipients must provide a follow-up report before May 31 of the following year to show progress and provide documentation regarding the expenditure of funds.

Grants are awarded to groups and organizations that promote a consistent ethic of life. The Pastoral Plan for Pro-Life Activities from the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops divides pro-life ministry into four categories: education and public information; pastoral care; public policy; and prayer and worship.

Applicants are asked to identify the type of pro-life ministry for which grant funds will be used based on these categories. BEFORE applying, please read the Grant Application Guidelines which define “consistent life ethic” as well as the four types of pro-life work listed above. If you have questions or need more information, please call the Respect Life Office at (719) 866-6478. To apply, please download, print, and mail the form below to: Respect Life Office, Diocese of Colorado Springs, 228 N. Cascade, Colorado Springs, CO, 80903.