Heart of My Heart
Miscarriage and Infant Loss Support Ministry

If you are here, you have likely suffered the unthinkable loss of miscarriage, stillbirth or infant loss. We’re sorry. We are so terribly sorry, for your pain, for your despair, for your anger, for your sorrow.
We understand because we have been there. It is the courageous families who drank the cup of infant loss, who have inspired the development of this ministry.
You are loved, you are not alone in your loss, and God’s mercy is infinite.
FAQs and Resources for Families
How to Care for Your Child's Remains
Support We Offer to Families:
- Miscarriage Delivery Aids
- Caskets to fit miscarried children through full term infant losses
- Resources for reverent burial and cremation across the Diocese
- Memorial Masses
- A support group facilitated by a professional Catholic grief counselor
To learn more about these resources, contact Julie at jbailey@diocs.org.