Linda Oppelt

Catholic Schools Week will be observed Jan. 26-Feb. 1

COLORADO SPRINGS. Catholic Schools Week will be observed Jan. 26 - Feb. 1. Following is a listing of the various activities planned by schools in the diocese for Catholic Schools Week 2025

Ave Maria School, Parker
PARKER. Ave Maria School in Parker will begin its celebration of Catholic Schools Week on Jan. 25 with staff and students attending the 4 p.m. Mass, followed by a spaghetti dinner until 7 p.m. Staff and student representatives will also be present during all Sunday Masses on Jan. 26. On Jan. 27, students will gather in the gym at 8 a.m. to sing the Divine Mercy Chaplet. The mayor of Parker will address the student body at 2 p.m., followed by an eighth-grade vs. staff volleyball game. On Jan. 28, there will be an open house from 9 a.m.-2 p.m., with “Thanks a Choco-Lot” bags distributed to parent volunteers and students writing letters to their parents about why they love Ave Maria School. On Jan. 29, there will be a staff appreciation lunch and students will write letters of appreciation for Bishop Golka, parish priests and deacons and Superintendent of Schools Sheila Whalen. On Jan. 30, preschool through second grade students will participate in a Teddy Bear Tea, where they bring a new stuffed animal to donate to hospitals. Third through eighth-grade students will make blankets to donate to Catholici Charities. On Jan. 31, there will be an all-school rosary at 8 a.m. followed by a school Mass at 9 a.m. Students will enjoy a movie and popcorn at the end of the day. 

Corpus Christi Catholic Academy
COLORADO SPRINGS. Corpus Christi Catholic Academy will hold a food drive for the local community throughout the week of Jan. 26-Feb. 1. From Jan. 27-30, there will be activities and assemblies for the student body. Bishop James Golka will celebrate a school Mass on Jan. 31 at 7:45 a.m. On Feb. 1, there will be an open house from 3-4:30 p.m., and an Italian dinner following the 5 p.m. Mass. 

Divine Redeemer School
COLORADO SPRINGS. Divine Redeemer School will begin its celebration of Catholic Schools Week with breakfast after the 8 a.m. and 11 a.m. Masses on Jan. 26, with an open house for families, parishioners and alumni to tour and celebrate the school. On Jan. 27, students will pass out cards to the community and collect change for Marian House. On Jan. 28, it is a “no homework” day; students will have an extra recess and spelling bees will be held in classrooms. There will be a “Hungry, Hungry Hippos” assembly at 2:30 p.m. On Jan. 29, students will write letters to members of the armed services. On Jan. 30, students will hear speakers on vocations. On Jan. 31, there will be community prayer at 11:30 a.m., followed by an 11:45 a.m. dismissal.

Holy Apostles Preschool
COLORADO SPRINGS. On Jan. 26, Holy Apostles Preschool will hold an open house from 10-11 a.m. On Jan. 27-28, students will have a pajama day and create a banner for Catholic Schools Week. A clothing drive for Catholic Charities will begin Jan. 27. Jan. 29-30 are Red, White and Blue days; students will participate in a patriotic parade and learn about religious vocations. Bishop James Golka will visit the preschool on Jan. 30. Jan. 31 is “Hats Off to You Day.” Students can wear any type of hat and will make thank-you cards for school volunteers and supporters. 

Pax Christi Preschool
LONE TREE. Pax Christi Preschool will hold an open house on Jan. 26 and will serve burritos to parishioners after each morning Mass. On Jan. 27 there will be a collection of items for the parish food pantry. On Jan. 28, students will receive a certificate stating a virtue that they are working on or modeling. On Jan. 29, students will be making cards for active-duty military, thanking them for their service. On Jan. 30, representatives of the Douglas County Fire Department and Sheriff’s Office will speak to students. On Jan. 31, parents will provide a staff lunch. 

St. Gabriel Classical Academy
COLORADO SPRINGS. St. Gabriel Classical Academy will begin its celebration of Catholic Schools Week by having a “Blast from the Past” day on Jan. 27. Students and staff will dress in decade-themed clothing, and local firefighters will visit to share fire-safety information in classes. Jan. 28 is Spirit Day, and doughtnuts will be passed out during carpool. Jan. 29 is Western Wednesday. Students can dress down in Western apparel and will pray the rosary for the nation. A U.S. Army band will perform and teach students about their instruments. On Jan. 30, Bishop Golka will celebrate Mass at St. Gabriel, and students will write letters to seminarians and priests. Jan. 31 is Sports Fan Friday. Students can dress in sports-themed clothing, and there will be a staff-student volleyball game as well as a Knights of Columbus basketball shoot-out. Throuhout the week, the school will be collecting funds to purchase items for the Mater Filius maternity home. An open house will take place on Feb. 1; parents can sign up at stgclassical.com. 

St. Paul School
COLORADO SPRINGS. St. Paul School will begin its celebration of Catholic Schools week by having fourth and fifth-grade choirs sing at Masses on Jan. 26. Parents will speak on behalf of Catholic education after Masses, and an open house will take place from 9-10 a.m. There will also be a Parish Faith Night that evening from 6:30-8 p.m. The topic will be saints. On Jan. 27, students will begin a service project for those impacted by the fires in Los Angeles. On Jan. 28, students can dress up to represent a vocation, and there will be a vocations panel. Lunch will be provided by Panther Parents. On Jan. 29, students will pray for a specific government leader or member of the military and will view a slide presentation on the  military. On Jan. 30, there will be school-wide eucharistic adoration and a buddy class activity. On Jan. 31, students will finish their service project and can dress in Western clothing to celebrate the school gala. Parents will receive coffee and doughnuts during the morning drop-off. The school’s Denim and Diamonds fundraising gala will take place at 6 p.m. on Feb. 1. 

St. Peter School
MONUMENT. St. Peter School in Monument will begin Catholic Schools Week by holding an open house after the 10:30 a.m. Mass. On Jan. 27, students can dress in navy, green and gold spirit wear and will write thank-you notes to neighbors. On Jan. 28, students will play all-school bingo. On Jan. 29, students will celebrate Patriot’s Day. They will form a prayer chain for the nation and dress in red, white and blue. On Jan. 30, students can dress according to their chosen vocation or career and will receive a visit from a skateboarding monk. On Jan. 31, there will be a student-staff volleyball game at 11:15 a.m., followed by a noon dismissal. 

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Linda OppeltLinda Oppelt

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