ND celebration set for May 2 at Sacred Heart
COLORADO SPRINGS. The Notre Dame Club of Southern Colorado will hold its annual Notre Dame Celebration on May 2 at 6 p.m. at the Sacred Heart Parish Center, 2030 W. Colorado Ave, 80904. Speakers will include Brant Ust, a former Notre Dame and professional baseball player who currently serves as senior associate athletic director at the U.S. Air Force Academy; Andrew Oglevie, a former Notre Dame and professional hockey player who is currently assistant hockey coach at Colorado College; and Dan Skendzel, assistant vice president for academy and community technology experience at Notre Dame. Former Colorado Springs Mayor John Suthers, also a Notre Dame alumnus, will be honored for his life-long contribution to southern Colorado. Tickets are $30 for adults, including a barbecue dinner, and students are free. The event will include a silent auction to support the club’s events. Visit my.nd.edu/networks/events/81390 to register. For more information, contact Michael Ortiz at ortiz_michael_j@hotmail.com.