Pilgrimage of Reparation will traverse Spain, Portugal, and Camino
Linda Oppelt
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Pilgrimage of Reparation will traverse Spain, Portugal, and Camino

By Jule Lane

DENVER. If you have ever had the desire to go on a pilgrimage, to walk the Camino de Santiago, to stand and pray where holy saints and our Blessed Mother have been, or to see a Eucharistic miracle, you are invited to participate in a once-in-a-lifetime pilgrimage of reparation.

 Join like-minded individuals while embracing the stunning views of Spain and Portugal Sept. 16-27, 2024, taking time to visit some of the most sacred Catholic sights. Led by Father Daniel Nolan, Associate Pastor at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish in Littleton, we will walk in the footsteps of numerous beloved saints as we journey on the last six days of the famous French Way of the Camino in reparation for the sins of Colorado, which has strayed from God’s path. And in celebration of the Eucharistic Revival, we will visit the sites of not one but two Eucharistic miracles.

The Work of Reparation of the Holy Face, gifted to a cloistered Carmelite nun by Jesus, will be our roadmap of prayers.

To jump start this extraordinary adventure, we begin with visiting Segovia and the walled city of Avila to venerate the relics of two great Carmelite mystics and doctors, St. John of the Cross and St. Teresa of Jesus, asking for their intercession for our journey. Then we will visit the site of the Eucharistic miracle of O’Cebreiro, perched atop a mountain, where a host was miraculously transformed into Christ’s human flesh.

We will then set out along the French Way of the Camino. Upon completion of the final leg of our walk, we arrive at the majestic 12th-century Cathedral Santiago de Compostela, where St. James the Apostle is buried. There we will venerate his relics, attend the pilgrim’s Mass, and collect the Compostela certificate, the official religious certificate given by the Church for walking 100 km of the Camino.

No pilgrimage is complete without the Blessed Mother, so we will then travel by motor coach to Fatima, Portugal to give our thanksgiving for her protection. We’ll stand where Our Lady appeared to Lucia, Jacinta and Francisco as we recite the rosary in reparation for all the sins that offend God and cause Mary great sorrow. Finally, we’ll conclude our pilgrimage at the site of a second Eucharistic miracle, the miracle of Santarem, where a host that began bleeding in the 13th century is still adored today.

If the beauty of hiking in the outdoors in Colorado moves you to a deeper connection with the majesty of God, then the Colorado Camino Pilgrimage of Reparation is the perfect experience for you. We will be offering our intentions daily during Mass in some of the most sacred churches in Europe.

If the timing isn’t right for you to travel, you can still be a part of this momentous experience by fasting and leading a pilgrimage in Colorado, in union with us on the Camino. Imagine the mercy our heavenly Father will bestow upon us as he looks down at Colorado in sorrow for our sins.

For more information on the Colorado Camino Pilgrimage of Reparation or to lead one locally, contact Jule Lane at PuzzleOverMe@mac.com or visit www.tektonministries.org/pilgrimage_pages/pilgrimage-to-santiago-de-compostela-september-16-2024/ to register.

(Jule Lane is the organizer of the Colorado Pilgrimage of Reparation.)

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Linda OppeltLinda Oppelt

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