White Mass for health care professionals set for Oct. 24 at cathedral
COLORADO SPRINGS. Bishop James Golka will celebrate a White Mass for doctors, nurses and other health care professionals on Oct. 24 at 12:10 p.m. at St. Mary’s Cathedral.
The purpose of the Mass is to honor and pray with and for all those who serve in the medical professions under the patronage of St. Luke. All are invited to attend.
What is a White Mass?
A Mass to honor and pray with and for all those who serve in the medical professions. From its inception, the medical profession has been understood as a healing profession, a way in which Christ’s work continues upon the earth. Moreover, since the apparitions at Lourdes in the late 19th century, the plight of the infirmed - and those who care for them - have taken on renewed appreciation in participating in the mysteries of Christ’s own life. The White Mass, so named for the color worn by those in the healing profession of medicine, gathers health care professionals under the patronage of St. Luke to ask God’s blessing upon the patient, doctor, nurse, and caregiver alike.