World Day of the Sick is opportunity to seek healing of body and spirit
By Marice Erickson
Ever since I participated in World Youth Day 1993 in Denver, there’s something about gathering with others for a common spiritual purpose that gives me goosebumps. St. John Paul II gave Colorado a beautiful, very fruitful gift that August, and he also gave the world an additional gift earlier that year — observing the first World Day of the Sick on Feb. 11, 1993, on the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes. St. John Paul II set aside this time for all people to offer prayers, share in the suffering of others, offer our suffering to God, and see the face of Christ in the suffering.
This led me to join a community of faithful “prayer warriors” willing to start the week by gathering at 6 a.m. each Monday. We have prayed for numerous intentions and have prayed over one another for various reasons. But we encourage one another, when appropriate, to ask a priest for anointing of the sick. Why ask for anointing? Isn’t prayer good enough? Well, the simple answer is “no.”
Anointing of the sick is not “Last Rites.” It is spiritual food for the journey when our health takes us on a bumpy road. In addition, anointing of the sick gives everyone in the community the opportunity to pray with and for those suffering.
Catholics in Colorado will have two opportunities to take part in anointing of the sick and observing the World Day of the Sick. Bishop James Golka will celebrate Mass with anointing of the sick on Feb. 8 at St. Mary’s Cathedral. Bishop Jorge Rodriguez of the Archdiocese of Denver will celebrate Mass on Feb. 9 at noon at Holy Ghost Church in Denver. You are encouraged to come early, as we will begin each day with the opportunity for reconciliation and rosary. Holy water from the grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes will be available free of charge. In addition, all are welcome to complete a prayer request card. These cards will be taken to Our Lady on the Order of Malta’s annual trip to Lourdes, France, in May.
The QR code below will provide more details. Further questions can by sent by email to Order of Malta, Colorado Region, at

(Marice Erickson is coordinator of the World Day of the Sick for the Order of Malta’s Colorado Region.)